Tuesday, May 24, 2011

lars von trier melancholia poster

lars von trier melancholia poster. lars von trier melancholia
  • lars von trier melancholia

  • MacQuest
    Oct 18, 04:34 PM
    As always, the iPod is Apple's real cash cow.

    Too bad for those of us who wish they would divert a little more of their attention to their computer line.

    Yeah. Gawd knows Apple hasn't done a thing with it's Mac line-up this year.


    lars von trier melancholia poster. Melancholia:
  • Melancholia:

  • Lixivial
    Jul 24, 08:54 PM
    Kinda takes away from that whole "Simplicity is everything" slogan Apple is known for, doesn't it? While I'll reserve my judgments on the design until it's worked into a final product, it does look like the user needs to take unnecessary steps to actually use the click wheel. Then again, pictures (drawings) probably can't do the interface justice.

    Still, not everything has to be digital over analog...

    lars von trier melancholia poster. We got Lars Von Trier#39;s follow
  • We got Lars Von Trier#39;s follow

  • gauriemma
    Jul 21, 11:39 AM

    As long as Apple doesn't grow too fast, this is great news. Get to Gateway in the next few years, and I'll be happy. Just don't grow too big, Apple.

    Catching up to Gateway is good, I suppose, but I seriously didn't even know they were even still around. That's a pretty low bar to set...

    lars von trier melancholia poster. lars von trier melancholia.
  • lars von trier melancholia.

  • gri
    Oct 23, 01:57 PM
    So, lets say you have Vista in Parallels - and a service or security update comes out. Could you still download it? I have a W2000 SP1 legally but it still doesn't let me update, giving me some error that our IT persons couldn't understand...:mad:


    lars von trier melancholia poster. Lars Von Trier#39;s upcoming
  • Lars Von Trier#39;s upcoming

  • bedifferent
    Apr 22, 05:00 PM
    The Gobi chip in the verizon iphone 4 supports it. If they use that for a universal iphone 5, the question is whether apple/at&t enables it.

    Wondering why they don't if the hardware is there and the network supports it already.

    lars von trier melancholia poster. Melancholia Director Lars von
  • Melancholia Director Lars von

  • Aetherhole
    Mar 15, 08:48 PM
    I might go back tomorrow... but unlikely. We'll see. I should've just gone to FI in the first place instead of going to the Irvine Spectrum, that way I would've landed the one that I wanted, ATT 64gb, four out of five people got this morning.

    Oh well, I'm not sweating it too much as I am still one of the first on the reservation list at my Best Buy.


    lars von trier melancholia poster. from Lars Von Trier#39;s
  • from Lars Von Trier#39;s

  • Keleko
    Apr 14, 09:12 PM
    I made my very first print sale today. When I started taking pictures for my 365 project, I never expected it result in selling any pictures, but I guess you can never tell where things will go. Here's the picture that I sold. I took it a couple of weeks ago at the Georgia Tech auto show. The purchaser is a huge fan of Hudson automobiles, and he bought a print to give to the owner. He said he used to develop and print his own black and white film shots some time back, too.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5026/5588699323_0ba9a53bd7_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5588699323/in/set-72157626413810546)

    lars von trier melancholia poster. CANNES: Lars Von Trier#39;s Nazi
  • CANNES: Lars Von Trier#39;s Nazi

  • i.mac
    Apr 22, 06:14 AM
    that samsung looks like it came out from 1975

    Not exactly...

    They saw the iPhone in January, then rushed to change their ui design. it hows in their crapy look.

    Have we seen this take place recently with another samsug product?


    lars von trier melancholia poster. A new clip from Lars von
  • A new clip from Lars von

  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 24, 09:02 AM
    For the "why only MBP's and not MB's too"

    As said, less press coverage, but also maybe more important is that now there is a gap between the [rosumer line and the consumer line ;)
    Is that good or bad..?

    lars von trier melancholia poster. Lars Von Triers Melancholia
  • Lars Von Triers Melancholia

  • biggest father1
    May 4, 12:58 AM
    I'm not saying this is fake but I work for AT&T Business Care for billing and some technical calls. We haven't been told this information yet so I don't see why that person would know. The only information we've been getting lately is the progress on AT&T buying T-Mobile.


    lars von trier melancholia poster. Lars Von Triers Melancholia
  • Lars Von Triers Melancholia

  • AZREOSpecialist
    Apr 13, 02:45 PM
    Apple can't keep up with iPad production, you think they are going to be able to properly build and sell (in volume) a TV? Dream on. Apple doesn't have the infrastructure to not only sell something like this, but service it as well.

    The analyst wanted news so he resurrected a long dead rumor. This is not going to happen. What a joke.

    lars von trier melancholia poster. The people behind Lars von
  • The people behind Lars von

  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 22, 07:10 PM
    it can double as a "knife"....


    lars von trier melancholia poster. is Lars von Trier s sci
  • is Lars von Trier s sci

  • Detlev
    Jul 26, 09:06 PM
    I'm going to assume it doesn't mean that you actually control the thing without touching it, rather it just makes the wheel disappear when you aren't holding it. That seems to be a more useful idea.

    I mean, otherwise, it's a useless feature, except to prevent screen scratching.
    That is more likely. Even if a user did not have to touch the screen it would be extremely foreign to people to type or control a piece of hardware without actually touching it�air typing. Look at the new ATMs that are controlled on screen. You can see people reactions to the machine when it does not operate as assumed. They press harder on the screen :rolleyes:

    lars von trier melancholia poster. Lars Von Trier, one of Cannes
  • Lars Von Trier, one of Cannes

  • MadeTheSwitch
    Apr 23, 02:41 AM
    Apple has no interest in making different sizes/models of iPhones. If you don't care for that, apple isn't for you. They are a greatest common denominator company.

    Perhaps. But it should be noted that at one time Apple didn't have any interest in making different sizes/models of iPods either. Or CDMA phones. Point being, things change.


    lars von trier melancholia poster. Lars von Trier (Dogville).
  • Lars von Trier (Dogville).

  • rexrobinson
    Aug 25, 05:48 AM
    Amazing how an 11 year old guy got to know about passing bar test??

    lars von trier melancholia poster. birth of Lars von Trier,
  • birth of Lars von Trier,

  • splashnader
    Jan 30, 08:40 PM
    I really like that bag! Very nice.

    Just had Five Guys with my brother. No one in my family but me takes him there. It's become our thing :)

    http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4091/5090304078_9d874f65fa.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyjuliette/5090304078/)

    I love their fries. That picture makes me want a burger and I just ate. :p


    lars von trier melancholia poster. Gainsbourg in Melancholia
  • Gainsbourg in Melancholia

  • miketcool
    Dec 1, 07:30 PM
    Most of these Mac attacks seem to be more predominant with social engineering hacks and user error, than comprised code.

    On a feTw occaszzzions I have noticed that MY CAT HAS A TENDENCY to hacsssk my laptop when I12212111113e'm trying to fill out threadwww replies on 432222222222222222 macrum2ors3. I'm thinking apple might still be AT FAULTQ ON THIS QONE.

    lars von trier melancholia poster. filmmaker Lars von Trier.
  • filmmaker Lars von Trier.

  • kiwi-in-uk
    Jul 12, 06:38 PM
    Well said Snowy_River.

    Very good point about tools. If two tools are suitable for a given job, then a "pro" will choose the lower cost tool. That is why the pro is in business.

    I had forgotten that Word is bundled with MS Works, so of course it must by implication be a consumer application.:rolleyes:

    For what it's worth, I am just wrapping up a 2000+ page text/spreadsheet/template toolkit that includes 400+ pages of pdfs - all created using Pages. The longest pdf is around 90 pages, including a ToC.


    lars von trier melancholia poster. Realizado por Lars von Trier
  • Realizado por Lars von Trier

  • Pressure
    Oct 24, 08:12 AM
    I think we finally can call the MacBook Pro line competitive with Dell and the rest now ;)

    Not that they already weren't :)

    Apr 29, 02:55 PM
    I think the Amazon mp3's are of a lower bit rate though. I have a few and that was the case. Perhaps that has changed.

    I stil prefer to own CD's and import them. Generally I can find the CD for less than the full album on-line. But I do by from itunes or amazon when I only want one song from an artist.

    Le Big Mac
    May 4, 03:18 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148a Safari/6533.18.5)

    Kinda funny one of my lines just had it's eligibility for upgrade moved up nearly 5 months. Late September to next week, May 9th.

    Indeed. This is silly--upgrade eligibility is usually (always?) phone-independent. AT&T has in the past waived or shortened upgrade eligibility so that people can immediately buy the new iPhone model. But they aren't going to extend it solely because of the release date of one phone.

    More likely the OP (or reporter) dropped a line of service or some services and because his spend went down his upgrade eligibility is no longer "early' and instead is at the usual two years.

    Apr 22, 04:31 PM
    1. It looks bitch ugly.

    2. This is not the iPhone 5. :D. It's obviously going to be much different than this. But a bigger screen and gesture support is welcomed.

    Cmon iPhone5. We have been waiting for a while now.


    Mac Kiwi
    Mar 4, 05:09 AM
    Makes me wonder if he has always seriously mentally ill, but was always able to hide it with drugs and alcohol and kept refusing treatment.

    Oct 19, 02:01 AM
    Quite a bit here. And this coming from Proud Mac owners, and Apple supporters.

    1 > The Intel CPU or platform change is gonna make HUGE strides over to Mac OS X. Multiple OS' on one machine is just pure bliss. I've got 3 ppl at work considering the switch all because of the XEON cpu & the ability to run 3 OS (MS Vista, Linux of their choice, and finally MAC OS X); but their just considering because they'll need to upgrade their hardware regardless.

    2> The MacBook Pro is due for a case colour change or revision. Its basically the PowerBook G4's case with an iSight, save for MagLite and few other things. But what will Apple make of the case? Polycarbonate, Magnesium Alloy with carbonfibre chassis? Better heat dissappation?

    3> Mac Pro; great case. Its not gonna change anytime soon, and I for one realize its Apple's Monolith machine. Heck if you dont want your G5 PowerMac or Mac Pro I'll be more than gratuitous in receiving it as a hand-me-down.

    4> I think this qtr we'll see a slowdown of iPod Nano sales due to the new aluminum enclosure, doesnt have that esthetic appeal to it; but its personal preference.

    With MW07 quickly approaching, I think the Mac Pro will get significant sales from those that are waiting, due to recent purchases - cleaning out their old G4 PowerMac closets to make way for new Xeon Core 2 Duo machines.

    With Vista awaiting to be released, I really think Apple should align their Marketing campaign to be double sided. Either cheeky to poke fun at lack of innovation and revolution to the Vista OS - but NOT at the user! Remember its actually a benefit that the end user can use the Mac Pro or Mac Book series & iMac to install Vista should the user choose to. Market this as a choice something the end user doesnt get at the office ;) Secondly I think Apple should REALLY push the features, power, security, frequent updates to improve an owners system, ALL as a viable reason to own & use both the Mac & OS X! I thought OS X is supposed to sell the hardware, well damnit Apple ADVERTISE IT!

    Bring in the big guns Apple to SHOW consumers, small business', family's etc. Get Software companies to advertise how powerful, efficient and productive their products are. How efficient users are USING the Mac. Come up with a low budget, effective direct perspective of how the Mac OS X is. Appeal to the IT Professional, appeal to the family, appeal to the rebel youth, appeal to the manager of a SOHO business, highlight business partners success that use your hardware to make their success.

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